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联系电话:13508714255(张无敌主任/云南师范大学) 13888188747(王霁云副主任/云南恒达工程公司总经理)

联系邮箱:wootichang@163.com(张无敌主任) wjy196806@163.com(王霁云副主任)
作者:周双双 浏览次数:4259 日期:2019-01-03 09:59:39


会议时间:2018年11月25日(星期日)全天8:30 ~17:40

下午 主持人:刘红艳
十 利用沼液结合微藻培养制备生物柴油可行性研究
十一 《新郑市2000亩种植地沼气工程综合利用项目》可研报告
十二 不同处理方式对厌氧干发酵影响综述
十三 安徽省蚌埠市存栏10000头奶牛沼气工程可行性报告

Biomass Energy Group Report in November 2018
Meeting location: Room 318, 3rd Floor, School of Energy and Environmental Science, Yunnan Normal University
Meeting time:8:30 to 17:40,November 25,, 2018 (Sunday) 
Participants: Teachers of Biomass Energy Group,Doctoral student,graduate student,Lao Foreign Students

Host: He Mimi
Report 1. Popularization Strategy of Walnut Planting Technology with Biogas Fertilizer in Yangbi County
Reporter: Bi Ting-ting postgraduate student
First, Bi Ting-ting gave a detailed report based on her dissertation. During the discussion, we discussed the walnut planting technology, the amount of biogas fertilizer and the promotion strategy, and put forward some suggestions and suggestions for revision.
Report 2. Experimental Study on Hydrogen Production by Anaerobic Fermentation of Corn Alcohol Wastewater Treated with Different Pretreated Inoculated Sludge
Reporter: Zheng Zhan-yao postgraduate student
Zheng Zhan-yao reported on the effects of different pretreatment methods on hydrogen production from corn alcohol wastewater. During the discussion, Dr. Huang Li questioned the content of his report. In the curve of cumulative gas production with time under different pretreatment conditions, the cumulative gas production at 60 hours was compared: untreated > heat treatment > alkali treatment, and the reasons were analyzed. Dr. Yang Bin asked: Whether methane and carbon dioxide were produced while hydrogen was produced during the experiment and the amount of sludge pretreated in the experiment. Researcher Zhang Wudi raised the question of the effect of aeration on hydrogen production from corn alcohol wastewater and suggested that the gas composition should be modified in the experiment. He also pointed out that the successful criterion of the experiment was that the experiment could be judged only when the hydrogen content was close to 50%.
Report 3. Exploration on the Construction of Circulating Agricultural Model of Combination of Planting and Nurturing-Taking Mountain Village of Qujiang as an Example
Reporter: Li Wenbin postgraduate student
First of all, Li Wen-bin reported on the construction of the model of cultivation and cultivation combined with circular agriculture in the mountain villages of Qujiang. During the discussion, Master Zhang Xu suggested that the application of the model should focus on the mountain villages of Qujiang. Dr. Han Benyong put forward some suggestions, such as income evaluation, modern mode of mobile Internet instead of traditional mode of promotion. Dr. Zhao Xingling put forward some suggestions to construct a suitable circular agricultural model and promote it in the light of the actual situation of the mountain villages in Qujiang.  Researcher Zhang Wudi suggested that crops could be planted in the future. Extension of species and regions.
Host: Huang Zhengheng
Report 4. Extension of Walnut Baking Technology by Hot-blast Stove in Yangbi County
Reporter: Sun Jieqiong postgraduate student
First of all, Sun Jieqiong reported on the feasibility analysis of walnut roasting technology in hot stove and the promotion plan in Yangbi. During the discussion, Dr. Yang Bin pointed out that the background should be supplemented with the content of green food brand building. Dr. Wang Changmei pointed out that there is a lack of quantitative indicators in the content. Researcher Zhang Wudi proposed that the popularization of hot-blast oven roasting walnut technology should be combined with the strategy of improving walnut quality and efficiency.
Report 5. Experimental Study on Anaerobic Dry Fermentation of Pig Manure
Reporter: Zheng Pan postgraduate student
First of all, Zheng Pan reported on the experimental research of anaerobic dry fermentation of pig manure under different conditions. During the discussion, Dr. Wang Chengxian suggested that standard deviation and saliency analysis could be added to the text. Researcher Zhang Wudi raised the issue of consistency of pig manure in the whole process of experimental research and concluded that it should be compared with the literature before the experimental results were produced. In addition, the concentration of the liquid before fermentation is different from the theoretical concentration.
Report 6. Research Situation of Biodiesel Raw Materials
Reporter: Dr. Wang Changmei
Dr. Wang Changmei reported on the concept, characteristics, preparation methods and raw materials of biodiesel. During the discussion, Dr. Han Benyong explained and analyzed the feasibility of biodiesel preparation experiment using microalgae as raw material, and pointed out that the variety of ionic liquids brought many difficulties to the experiment in the process of preparing biodiesel from ionic liquids.
Afternoon host: Liu Hongyan
Report 7. Study on Preparation of Biodiesel Catalyzed by Pyrrolidone and Amino Acid Ionic Liquids
Reporter: Dr. Han Benyong
Dr. Han Benyong mainly narrated his graduation thesis and made a preliminary defense. Researcher Zhang Wudi first affirmed the richness of the experimental content and the seriousness of the experimental work. However, the process takes a long time and needs to be elaborated concisely so as to make the key points clear in the prescribed time. Secondly, in the study of preparing biodiesel from ionic liquids, whether the index other than acid value can be used to explain it. Finally, it is proposed that Han Benyong's experiment will provide more research directions for the follow-up study of biodiesel. 
Report 8 Effect of Tetracycline Antibiotics on Anaerobic Digestion of Pig Manure
Reporter: Wei Fang postgraduate student
Wei Min reported the effects of different antibiotics on anaerobic digestion of pig manure. During the discussion, Dr. Wang Chengxian raised the question whether the pig manure used in the experiment was the same and whether the antibiotic residue in the pig manure was equal to the antibiotic added. Dr. Huang pointed out that there was no comparative analysis between the antibiotic residue in the pig manure itself and the antibiotic added artificially, and put forward the original intention of determining EPS in the experiment. Questions Finally, Zhang Wudi concluded that in the analysis of the experiment, it would be better to judge the inhibitory effect of antibiotics on anaerobic fermentation of pig manure from the perspective of methane inhibition rate.
Report 9. Feasibility Study Report of Biogas Project in Nangang Town, Shucheng County, Anhui Province
Reporter: Tang Binbin postgraduate student
Tang Binbin mainly analyzed and elaborated the feasibility report of engineering design for 5000 m3 biogas produced per day. During the discussion section, Dr. Yang Bin pointed out that the report lacked the content of comparative selection of modes (energy ecotype and energy environmental protection type). When choosing technological schemes, appropriate technological schemes should be adopted according to local conditions. Dr. Liu Jianfeng proposed that when displaying the plan, we should reduce the text narration as much as possible, and elaborate it in the form of charts, photographs and flowcharts. We should maintain consistency in the text format, write according to the standard format and standardize the language.
Host: Zhao Zhenxing
Report 10.Feasibility study on biodiesel production by biogas slurry combined with microalgae culture
Reporter: Dr. Huang Li
Dr. Huang Li mainly elaborated the steps of preparing biodiesel from microalgae, the process of synthesizing grease and the method of improving the synthesis of grease. It is introduced that microalgae can play an important role in CO2 removal from biogas through experiments. At last, we put forward how to obtain algae, whether pure culture or mixed culture, which aroused people's thinking. In the discussion section, Zhang Zhen proposed the principle that microalgae can reduce COD removal rate and the reasons for CO2 removal. Researcher Zhang Wudi analyzed the advantages of the biogas slurry: the biogas slurry has high nutrient content, which not only does not consume dissolved oxygen in the water, but also promotes the growth of plankton. Finally, some thoughts on the effect of algae on oil content are put forward, which will provide a direction for further experiments.
Report 11 "Comprehensive Utilization Project of Biogas Engineering on 2000 Mu Planting Land in Xinzheng City" Research Report
Reporter: Li Giaolin postgraduate student
Starting from the basic situation of the project, Mr. Li described in detail the site selection, feasibility and necessity, technology, project budget, benefit analysis and risk assessment, as well as conclusions and suggestions of the project. After that, Dr. Liu Jianfeng proposed whether the reason for selecting rapeseed was based on the market demand. Master Li Wenbin questioned the market price of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer and put forward that the price was higher than the actual price.Researcher Zhang Wudi said that the original intention of the project was to build more than 2,000 mu of land for biogas projects, rather than to build a certain scale of biogas projects to determine how much land to use. The output of the project is mainly concentrated on biogas and vegetable. The fertilizer produced by biogas project is all used for vegetable cultivation, not for sale.
Report 12 .A Review of the Effects of different treatments on anaerobic dry fermentation
Reporter: Zhang Zhen postgraduate student
Zhang Zhen focused on analyzing the different effects of different pretreatment methods on Biogas Dry Fermentation experiment, and then drew out his next experimental plan. Dr. Huang Li discussed the selection of materials for his experiment and explored the reasons. Some suggestions were put forward to modify the research direction. The effect of activated carbon made from walnut core added to biogas fermentation system on the experimental results was not significant, and suggestions were made to adjust the thinking. Dr. Liu Jianfeng pointed out that he did not draw his own conclusion through the comparative analysis of the experimental results in the literature review. Researcher Zhang Wudi concluded that the aim of the experiment was to solve the problem of acidification in dry fermentation. The change of gas production could not explain the problem of acidification accurately. Emphasis should be placed on the accumulation of organic acids.
Report13. Feasibility Report of Biogas Project for 10,000 Cows in Stock in Bengbu City, Anhui Province
Reporter: Wang Wenwei postgraduate student
Wang Wenwei made a feasibility analysis around the biogas engineering construction project of 10000 Cows in Bengbu County, and elaborated the final feasible conclusion of the project from many aspects. In view of his elaboration, we had a heated discussion. Dr. Yang Bin proposed that the economic benefit analysis was limited to the benefit of biogas engineering, without considering the milk and other benefits produced by cows themselves. Liu Jianfeng pointed out that there may be overlap in the schedule of the project, and that each process is not necessarily carried out in stages, but at the same time. In the selection of temperature for medium temperature fermentation, we should focus on cost accounting and not only consider the effect of gas production.

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